Hi, My name is Matisay Shandah, aka John Effland
I have worked as an Evolutionary Healer since 2007. Working as an Evolutionary Healer, Evolutionary Teacher and Stone Whisperer, I use the name Matisay (Ma-tee-say) Shandah because it encompasses the totality of who I am and the totality of Love that I endeavor to bring forth. Friends and family know me by my birth name, John Effland.
I live at the foot of Mount Shasta in far Northern California, where I blend my lifelong passions in service to the evolution of humanity and Mother Earth as an evolutionary teacher, evolutionary healer, earthkeeper, shaman, yogi, stonemason and stone whisperer.
My passion is to reveal and nourish the unlimited Creative Potential and Love that you are.

Matisay’s Story
Like the cutting of a diamond, Matisay’s journey of awakening has progressed facet by facet. The first sparks ignited in 1985 while working towards his degree in Civil Engineering at Montana State University. After wandering in the woods of the emerging new age landscape and living in the first of four alternative communities, a friend introduced him to the teachings of Kriya Yoga and Paramahansa Yogananda. In 1990 he moved to the yoga retreat Song of the Morning whose spiritual director, Bob Raymer, initiated him into Kriya Yoga and became a beloved teacher. Baba, as he was affectionately known, was a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and close student to many of the great saints of India who brought yoga and meditation to the West.
Meditation Instructor and Teacher Trainer - Yoga Philosophy at Perennial Yoga and Meditation, Fitchburg, Wisconsin - 2012-14.
In 2014, Matisay was honored to oversee construction of the ceremonial cremation oven or “Chimbususa” built for Geshe Sopa, one of the first lamas to bring Tibetan Buddhism to the West and founder of the Deer Park Buddhist Center near Madison, Wisconsin.
One day in 1998, Matisay stumbled upon a Satsang (gathering in truth) in the non-dual tradition of Advaita while living in Boulder, Colorado. Layering upon the foundation of Kriya Yoga the antithetical non-teachings of Advaita, he sat with many beloved teachers from four continents over the next 7 years, including Nirmala, Gangaji, Pamela Wilson and Adyashanti.
Stonemasonry on sacred Mount Shasta - waterfall, reflecting pools and spring-fed water station at Sierra Club Climbers’ Cabin, Elev. 7950’.
In 2005, another chance encounter led to his immersion into the indigenous Earthkeeper Tradition as taught by Alberto Villoldo’s The Four Wind Society, the Q’ero Paqo’s (medicine keepers) of the Peruvian Andes, Master Shaman Linda Fitch, and his mentor Mary Raymakers. He studied shamanic healing from advanced teachers such as Betsy Bergstrom and attended workshops with indigenous teachers from around the world. The marriage of the living Earthkeeper practices with the Yogic disciplines, grounded by his work as a stonemason, yielded a sense of harmony, balance and fulfillment, birthing the beginnings of Evolutionary Healing.
In 2009, one of his teachers introduced Matisay to the angelic teachings of Archangel Haniel channeled through an extraordinary medium and modern adept named Memra. These teachings of the Angelic Council offer a distillation of the universal life principles common to all traditions in fresh new language, concise spiritual practices, renewed vision and higher frequency healing.
“All for One. One for All.”

Preparing for ceremony at 10,000’ ~ Choquequirao, Peru, 2007.
A Peru Story
On the first morning of a five-day mountain trek to the sacred site of Choquequirao, I found myself walking alone through a small stand of eucalyptus trees. Out of the blue, one of the Q'ero elders guiding our group appeared silently by my side and grasped my hand. He was an Altomesayok ~ wisdomkeeper of the mountain medicine and friend to the mountain spirit beings they call Apu's. In an instant, my mind became a pool of stillness and my heart encompassed the snowcapped mountains surrounding us. In broken English, he leaned over and whispered to me... "This is how we approach the sacred mountain." And we walked on, hand in hand, in Silence.
"Let us linger awhile in the foolishness of things."
Author Unknown