Healing YOUR Environment
Sing Your Love Song To Earth
EVOLUTIONARY EARTH HEALING restores the subtle, three-dimensional web of Life Force Energy, The Divine Grid, that flows through and informs a specific place. This restoration of localized earth energy fields nourishes and rejuvenates the land and all its inhabitants, seen and unseen, including human beings, plants, animals, rocks and trees, along with the presiding nature spirits and elemental beings.
Evolutionary Earth Healing also communicates and works in concert with Mother Earth and the Devic, Elemental and Angelic Realms to birth the highest potential expression of an area’s sacred purpose.
For your benefit and the health of the land and all its inhabitants, EVOLUTIONARY EARTH HEALING can assist you in:
Restoring the Divine Grid ~ clearing, harmonizing and balancing the Life Force Energy (Chi) flowing through a property.
Correcting any disrupted electromagnetic fields originating from nearby cell phone and TV/radio towers and power lines as well as those generated within our homes and offices.
Harmonizing and balancing your electromagnetic living environment in your home or business.
Clearing any emotional, mental or etheric energetic residue of past habitation.
Healing the wounds held in the energetic memory of the land from past traumatic events such as accidents, violence, conflict, wars, pollution and other events of mental, emotional or physical desecration.
Clearing energetic scars, blockages or debris from past incidents on the land, including construction, road building, land clearing, manufacturing, dumping, quarrying, river dredging and other acts of human disregard.
Restoring and reawakening the subtle luminous energy (Mana in Hawaiian) of the soil and natural kingdom, enabling the gradual regeneration of soil, native plants, trees, gardens and natural agriculture.
Mapping and harmonizing the flow of Landscape Life Force Energy utilizes the combined knowledge of working with the Divine Grid, Nature Spirits and Elemental Kingdom, elements of Landscape Feng Shui and Stone Whispering.
Removing the deep energetic matrixes of long-held, limiting collective thoughts and feelings of human habitation, and replacing them with matrixes in alignment with sacred purpose of the native land and its inhabitants.
As an Evolutionary Earth Healer, I work with the luminous geomantic forces of the earth and understand the language of earth and nature ~ helping restore the earth to sing.
“The Song of Earth is the underlying energetic presence we feel in a certain place ~ the native energetic tone that comprises the collective symphony of the frequencies and vibrations of all its inhabitants, seen and unseen, along with the flow of subtle luminous energy and underlying geomantic energy matrices. ”

For YOUR EnvironmentS